April has been a whirlwind so far but here's the highlight reel...
This bundle of rolly polly love turned four months old at the beginning of the month! There's a post all about him and he's changed a bit even since I wrote that two weeks ago!! He's so much more chatty, particularly when it's just me and him before or after I feed him. I lay him down and he stares at me and just lets it all out. It's probably my current favorite thing. Also, Harper was singing to him and he was "singing" back. Oh my heart.
Carter Lee-skees turned six back in February which I will be going back to highlight here soon >I'm a little behind< but the one thing he wanted was this Star Wars Lego set. It was rather pricey but he was blessed with a couple of Target gift cards and a Nana who offered to take him to buy it and pay the difference! He was SO EXCITED. He dedicated lots of time after school and on weekends putting this baby together and he had just a little help from his Daddy to accomplish it! Guys, this thing was complicated. Like hundreds of little pieces in seven different bags with a book of instructions to follow but he did it! I was seriously so proud of him and so was he!
If you follow us on instagram at all you probably know about Sawy boy's obsession with trucks. Well no truck goes unnoticed by this boy and he gets all kindsa excited.He was star stuck when the driver of the tow truck he was admiring walked out of Mcdonalds. The guy waved and smiled and said hi to him and he couldn't utter a word. He just stood there with his hands together and his mouth wide open. It was hilarious.
Harper has been my little buddy while the boys are at school and Sawyer takes his naps. She loves to be near Porter and I no matter what we're doing. If I'm cleaning she'll just play somewhere near me and tell me whatever comes to her little mind. I love it and I've been thinking a lot lately about how she'll be going to school in a year and a half and I want to cherish every day I get with her at home!
These faces accurately depict how April has left us feeling. It has been a whirlwind like I said before and two weeks in we are feeeeling it! We've been working on a project in our kitchen and I can't wait to share once it's done!
We made our first strawberry stand stop of the season and oh you better believe it won't be our last. One day into have a full flat and it's no joke, halfway gone! They are the biggest, juiciest, sweetest strawberries!
Would you believe me if I told you that two minutes before this picture was taken, this boy woke up from his nap very groggy and sad? Well he did and nothing else other than a jar of nutella could make this boy smile this big given the situation. He perked right up. Boy after my own heart.
I mean, really. I let him go to town on that thing and he could not have been any happier about it. I love that kid.
Wednesdays are normally our day to go over to my parents house after school since the boys don't have homework. We hang out with my sister and she normally makes us special treats >this week was espresso filled eclairs...yes, you read that right. We are spoiled!<. Our Wednesday got a little thrown off since all three of my youngest babes fell asleep so late in the afternoon that my Dad ended up picking up the boys from school. It really cut into our hang out time but it's ok, we still got this uber cheesy picture together.
I hope your April is treating you well! May your cups of coffee be large, your hugs be long, and your memory books be overflowing!
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