Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Harps and Mama

    Before we had any kids I always imagined us with girls. Girls are what I was used to and I couldn't imagine having boys. When we found out that Oliver was a boy I was so surprised, happy, but wasn't sure what to expect. My relationship with him was so natural and he was so sweet and cuddly. When I got pregnant with Carter I just knew he was a boy from the beginning! After having two boys I was certain that our third would be a boy as well. In my mind we would be an all boy family and I was totally okay with it, excited for it actually! Kaleb was pretty set on it as well and we only had boy names picked out going into our ultrasound. The ultrasound tech looked for a minute or two and said "Hold on just a minute...I think I know what you're having but I just want to get a second opinion before I say for sure..." and she stepped out. I looked at Kaleb and said "Oh my gosh! It's totally a girl!" He replied "No way....you don't know that!". The doctor walked in and immediately said "GIRL! No doubt about it!" We looked at each other and our mouths dropped open! They sent us out to wait for our regular appointment and as we sat in the lobby Kaleb basically said "Harper...Harper Everly....that's her name! That's it!" And that's what we named her and the day we met was the most painful yet magical day ever.

    Her shirt says "I make mama's heart full" for a reason! We've always had a special relationship, but with every boy added to our family I feel like my relationship with her just grows and grows into something deeper and more special than it was before. It sounds silly but it really just makes me so grateful that God blessed me with at least one daughter. It's a different dynamic than my relationship with the boys and she's like a built in mini best friend who loves to go shopping, and paint her nails, and do her makeup, and braid her hair and I can't get enough of her.

        I am going to cry the biggest buckets of tears when she goes to Kindergarten. That's still over a year away but I know how quickly the time goes and I want to savor every second I have left. She's my little sidekick! She loves being near me, always. No matter what I'm doing she'll follow me from room to room and play on the floor by herself just to stay close. She helps me fold laundry and take care of the baby. She loves to crawl into our bed in the morning to cuddle and occasionally drift back off to sleep. I love my darling girl, her sweet little heart, and the way she wraps her skinny little arms around my neck for a squeezy hug. I pray we're always able to maintain a close relationship as she grows and becomes her own person. I'll love you forever my sweet Harper.

Outfit Details: 
>>Sweater: Forever 21 
>>Cactus Shirt: Target
>>Skirt: Target
>>Shoes: Target

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