Thursday, April 6, 2017

Four Months Of Porter Benjamin


    How has it already been four months since Porter was born?? Four months since we became a family of seven! Even after the fifth babe it is still crazy to me how fast time flies by!

    Porter is a tiny dream babe! He sleeps between ten and eleven hours at night, loves taking naps, LOVES being at home >he seriously knows when we're not home and fusses until we get back<, and he absolutely hates his car seat. He will cry most of the time we're out and about unless I'm holding him. Like physically holding him with my own two arms. He hates the baby slings, hates the cart sling, and definitely hates his car seat. My new way of Target shopping >because let's be honest, target is life< is lining the cart with a thick blanket and laying him on his belly while we stroll around. He loves it and it's the only way he won't fuss other than him being in my arms but obviously that gets a little difficult when I have multiple other children to keep track of and shopping to do so makeshift target cart stroller it is! He's not a very chatty babe but none of the other Baker babes really were either. He just started giggling a little bit but hates being tickled. He does this funny laugh cry when you tickle him.

    He adores his siblings. Like obsessively loves them! He gets the biggest smile when any of them come around to give him love which is most of the time really. He smiles so big and talks to them like he knows they love him so much and they're going to be best buddies for life. I'm not kidding the relationships between my babes makes me want a hundred...okay maybe not a hundred but maybe one more someday. It's just the sweetest thing ever. And the feelings are mutual might I add. No one melts the four oldest Baker babes hearts like their tiny little baby brother. Oliver especially loves him. And Oliver is the quirky keeps to himself kid who loves video games and playing alone outside but put that baby brother in front of him and he's a puddle of mushy love!

    It's crazy how fast these few months have flown but but at the same time it's crazy to think that just four months ago we were just meeting him for the first time! I honestly can't remember life without him and I wouldn't want to. I love our growing family and living life with them. What an honor it is!

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