Thursday, August 20, 2015

Soaking Up The Summer Days

We managed to squeeze in another beach day this week because it happens to be a certain little boy's favorite place to play and with school starting soon the opportunities to go will be few and far between...until next summer that is. So here we are soaking in every last drop, making memories with each other.





Harps and Sawyer played in the sand together.

The boys jumped waves with Papa.

I tried to convince Sawyer that the water was fun but he's not yet convinced.

We plan on going back at least once next week for some more sunshine and fresh air! It's too good to resist!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Popcorn Ice Cream and Donut Shirts

We try to make the most out of the little bits of family time that we do get in between both of us working. This last weekend was nothing glamorous or crazy between me working all weekend and trying to get normal things done like grocery shopping so we have food to eat this week but it was still sweet and memorable. 

Friday afternoon we squeezed in a quick nap time before heading twenty minutes north to walk out to the beach and browse the local farmers market.

We met up with some of our favorite people to walk, talk, and play with.

We stopped to let the kids play a bit at the playground overlooking the ocean. It was so warm and this little stop was such a nice break in between walks.

We hit up the farmer's market and picked up the two things the kids requested. BLUE bubblegum ice cream and BLUE kettle corn. Popcorn and ice cream is a legit dinner right??

I carried a couple of the babies on my back for a majority of the way which was so much fun and a really dang good workout. Harper kept resting her cheek on my back and we would giggle and make jokes or sing songs. I love bonding with her. Sawyer fell asleep on the way back after spending the first half of the walk back eating blue popcorn.

We stopped at good ol' In-n-Out for an attempt at getting the kids to eat some protein but they won this one. Popcorn and ice cream for the win.

 Kaleb walked in the door with a bag full of donuts after an early morning climb sesh at the climbing gym. I wasn't the only one giddy with excitement over it!

Harper and I wore our new matching donut tanks to church on Sunday morning. We're kind of obsessed with them...and each other...and matching. They're from Be Still Clothing Company which we love! I would link you to their website but they're in the process of moving and will be down for a few days. Follow them on Insta!! @bestillclothingcompany

Sunday night after I got off of work >late< these five cute people were waiting for me outside. I was greeted with hugs, kisses, and huge smiles. We stopped at Panera for some bagels before heading home for bed. 

It's such a bummer to have to work every weekend but we really try to make the best of the little time that we do get together and make memories anyway. We had a fun low key weekend and we can't wait for the next one!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bits Plus Pieces

At the end of every week I'm going to try and put together a post cal "Bits Plus Pieces" to highlight our week in pictures. I'm pretty sad that I only have a couple of weeks left with Oliver being at home all day everyday since he'll be starting kindergarten at the end of the month. Our days are going to be a lot different around here soon.

I have four kids and we have lots of fun so I'm pretty sure that every week will include close to one billion pictures. You can tag along if you like that sorta thing.