Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our Paleo Adventure

So as a lot of you may know we started a Whole30 last month! The first two weeks went amazingly well. We really started feeling good, we were enjoying what we were eating, and other than it being really crazy expensive it was great. We went on our Colorado trip and stuck to it pretty much the entire time. I had been having some significant stomach pain for a while but while we were gone it got a lot worse. I decided to cut out coffee because I suspected I might have an ulcer and everything acidic would make that problem a lot worse. The next day BAM hardly any pain at all. I'm not gunna lie that was the demise of my whole30 journey. Once coffee was taken away I lost all motivation and was <<embarrassingly enough>> really sad. I decided I'd try to stick to a paleo diet but I would allow myself some treats that don't follow those guidelines but all around I'm eating so much better than I was. I want to share some paleo recipes that I've found and tried because they're all pretty amazing!

P A L E O     D O N U T S
I  found the recipe HERE
I made a non paleo glaze for them out of almond milk and powdered sugar but other than that they're pretty good for you!

P A L E O   M U G   C A K E
I couldn't find the exact recipe but you can find a similar one HERE
It was so easy, quick, and delicious! To me it tasted like a brownie. I definitely couldn't eat the whole thing by myself so I shared with my kids and my husband.

P A L E O   B A N A N A   B R E A D

 I found the recipe HERE
This recipe turned out so yummy! I cut my slices small because it is SO filling. I ate one small slice for breakfast one morning and it kept me full until lunch.

P A L E O   C A R R O T   L O A F

I found the recipe HERE
I didn't have a chance to snap a picture of this one because I was running out the door for work but it was delicious! My kids devoured it.

Let me know if you try any of these! I plan on posting a few new ones every week as we explore the world of paleo yummy-ness.

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